OPL Open Ps2 Loader

Copyright © 2009, Ifcaro & jimmikaelkael
Licenced under Academic Free License version 3.0
Review OpenUsbLd README & LICENSE files for further details.

OPL merupakan aplikasi open source game loader, yang di desain khusus, agar kita dapat main game lewat internal HDD, external HDD/USB, maupun lewat Network PC. dan bener2 100% kompatible, game dapat jln walaupun tanpa ps2load atau dng trik mengubah DNASXXX.IMG.

GUI Graphic User Interface OPL yg terbaru telah di implementasikan dng banyak pilihan menu, sehingga dpt memudahkan pengguna OPL tuk berkreasi agar tampilan dari window OPL lbh menarik.
OPL sampai sekarang masih di kembangkan dan siapa saja boleh berkontribusi unt menambah kekurangan dari OPL ini.

OPL version 0.8
Features :
  • Many new game compatibility fixes = memperbaiki bnyk game agar kompatible
  • Added loading support for ISO format (SMB and USB) = bisa main game hanya dng copy/paste file ISO pada hardisk external.
  • Improved NAS support for more devices = kekurangan NAS telah di perbaiki
  • Secure authentication for the SMB module (to enable security and write access)
  • Various improvements to Network support  (NBSS keep-alive, small ingame speed-up)
  • Added ELF Loader to launch other Apps = file ELF/aplikasi browsing ps2 bisa di tambahkan.
  • Added compatibility for new external USB HDD with 1k/2k/4k cluster file = kompatible unt semua hardisk external
  • Added full compatibility for old PS2 consoles (10k JAP) = kompatible dng ps2 type lama
    GUI (Graphical User Interface)
  • Re-Designed Display = tampilan lbh keren
  • Supports Cover Art = gambar game bisa di tampilkan pada menu
  • Fully Customizable Theme support = tema lebih hidup
  • Support to Load/Save OPL configurations from multiple devices (USB and HDD) = bisa pilih game sekaligus dari HDD maupun USB dlm satu tampilan.
  • Added VMC (Virtual Memory Card) support = bisa save game di HDD/USB.
  • Added HDL Server for HDD game installation over network = bisa install game lewat kabel LAN di PC
  • Added "rename" and "delete" functionalities for games lists = game bisa di rename/delete
  • childproof mode (prevents configuration change from being made) = menghindari dari tngan jahil
  • Added  ability to refresh game lists = otomatis refresh game
Cara menggunakannya :
file OPL.ELF di boot lewat aplikasi browsing/launcher, seperti FreeMCBoot atau ULaunch.elf

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